
Making the Laboratory a place for education, research and development in the field of telecommunications to advance Sebelas Maret University in the national and international arena.


  • Organizing practicums in the field of telecommunications for students.
  • Carrying out research activities in the field of telecommunications and publishing research results.
  • Building and maintaining strategic collaborations with institutions, organizations or laboratories related to the telecommunications sector

Head of Lab : Ir. Meiyanto Eko Sulistyo, S.T., M.Eng.

Lab Member :

  1. Ir. Muhammad Hamka Ibrahim, S.T., M.Eng., IPM, ASEAN.Eng.
  2. Ir. Subuh Pramono, S.T., M.T., IPM.
  3. Agus Ramelan, S.Pd., M.T.
Lab Assistant :
  1. Alloyus Bayu Hans Abram (I0719011)
  2. Wisanggeni Titovandaru (I0719074)

Educational/Practical Services :

  1. Telecommunications Practicum

P2M Services :

  1. Antenna Measurements
  2. Antenna Design Training
  3. LabVIEW Training
  4. Multisim Training
  5. IoT Training
  6. Vision Inspection Training
  7. Testing Software Development

Available Tools :

  1. Spectrum Analyzer
  2. Vector Network Analyzer
  3. USB DAQ