The Job Training Course (KP) is a skilled course (MKK) which is a requirement for taking undergraduate (strata 1) education, especially in the Electrical Engineering Study Program, FT UNS.

• The purpose and objective of holding the KP is to introduce the world of industry from a technical and non-technical side as well as its relation to the course material obtained.
• The place for implementing KP is industry/ company/ government agency related to the field of electrical engineering, including generation, distribution and management of electricity, electronics, telecommunications, instrumentation and control as well as information technology.
• KP is implemented in the industry for a minimum of one month.
• Registration for KP can be done after students have taken four semesters.
• KP can be implemented after students earn at least 90 credits.
• Students are required to compile a Job Training Report and present it at the Job Training Seminar.
• KP is declared complete after students get their KP scores.
• A more detailed explanation of KP is described in the Guidebook for the Job Training.