Curriculum Summary
The current curriculum is the PSTE 2019 Curriculum revised in 2023. This curriculum is an improvement on the 2014 curriculum. The main characteristic of the 2019 Curriculum is competency-based learning or outcome based education (OBE). In a competency-based curriculum, the starting point of the curriculum begins by formulating the achievements that must be achieved by graduates or what is better known as the graduate profile. This graduate profile is then described in more detail in the Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLO). For this reason, each course given must support the achievement of this GLO. Each course has a CLO (course learning outcomes) that correlate with the LO.
The main objectives of the 2019 Curriculum are in line with the objectives of the Undergraduate Electrical Engineering Study Program, namely producing graduates who are qualified in the field of electrical engineering, transferring knowledge to students, producing innovation in the field of electrical engineering, and producing new technology that provides solutions to existing problems. exists to improve community welfare to achieve excellence in community service. In determining the GLO in the 2019 curriculum, guidelines from FORTEI, IABEE and ABET have been considered. The main competencies are achieved from mastering basic subjects, laboratory and field practice, research, and mastery of concepts in each field of specialization. The study program must organize all components related to main competencies.
Graduate and GLO Profiles
To produce quality graduates, the Electrical Engineering Study Program determines graduate profiles who are expected to become independent professionals. So that the resulting graduates can have competitiveness in the world of work, the Electrical Engineering Study Program has set graduate competency standards expressed in graduate profiles and graduate learning outcomes (GLO). The graduate profile is often called the program educational objective (PEO), while the graduate learning outcomes (GLO) are often also called program outcomes (PO). The profile of graduates of the UNS Electrical Engineering Study Program includes three important aspects:
1. Graduates of the UNS Electrical Engineering study program have superior competencies in the field of Electrical Engineering.
2. Graduates of the UNS Electrical Engineering study program prioritize professionalism and have a superior work ethic
3. Graduates of the UNS Electrical Engineering study program are able to communicate well and have leadership qualities
This graduate profile is then described in more detail into ten graduate learning outcomes (GLO). Table 2 displays the relationship between graduate profiles and GLO. Graduates of the UNS Electrical Engineering Study Program can choose the path they are interested in, including becoming a professional engineer, academic, management, researcher and technopreneur (see Table 3).
Kode | Rumusan Singkat | Rumusan CPL |
CPL01 | Menguasai ilmu teknik | Mampu menerapkan pengetahuan matematika, ilmu pengetahuan alam dan/atau material, teknologi informasi dan keteknikan untuk mendapatkan pemahaman menyeluruh tentang prinsip-prinsip teknik elektro. |
CPL02 | Mampu Mendesain | Mampu mendesain komponen, system dan/atau proses untuk memenuhi kebutuhan yang diharapkan didalam batasan-batasan realistis dalam bidang teknik Elektro. |
CPL03 | Experimen dan analisis data | Mampu mendesain dan melaksanakan eksperimen laboratorium dan/atau lapangan serta menganalisis dan mengartikan data untuk memperkuat penilaian teknik. |
CPL04 | Memecahkan masalah | Mampu mengidentifikasi, merumuskan, menganalisis dan menyelesaikan permasalahan Teknik elektro. |
CPL05 | Menguasai metode dan alat | Mampu menerapkan metode, keterampilan dan piranti teknik elektro yang modern yang diperlukan untuk praktek keteknikan. |
CPL06 | Komunikasi | Mampu berkomunikasi secara efektif baik lisan maupun tulisan. |
CPL07 | Manajemen proyek | Mampu merencanakan, menyelesaikan dan mengevaluasi tugas didalam batasanbatasan yang ada. |
CPL08 | Mampu berkerjasama | Mampu bekerja dalam tim lintas disiplin dan lintas budaya. |
CPL09 | Memiliki etika dan profesionalisme | Mampu bertanggung jawab kepada masyarakat dan mematuhi etika profesi dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan Teknik elektro. |
CPL10 | Belajar sepanjang hayat | Mampu memahami kebutuhan akan pembelajaran sepanjang hayat, termasuk akses terhadap pengetahuan terkait isu-isuke kinian yang relevan. |
Course Summary

Semester 1
Kode MK | Nama Mata Kuliah | SKS | Prasyarat | Co Syarat |
EE0101-19 | Kalkulus 1 | 3 | ||
EE0102-19 | Fisika Dasar 1 | 3 | ||
EE0103-19 | Matematika Diskret dan Logika | 3 | ||
EE0104-19 | Aljabar Linear | 3 | ||
EE0105-19 | Kimia | 3 | ||
EE010x-19 | Bahasa Indonesia | 2 | ||
EE0206-19 | Organisasi dan Arsitektur Komputer | 2 | ||
EE0108-19 | Orientasi Prodi | 2 |
Semester 2
Kode MK | Nama Mata Kuliah | SKS | Prasyarat | Co Syarat |
EE0201-19 | Kalkulus II | 3 | EE0101-19 | |
EE0202-19 | Fisika Dasar II | 3 | EE0102-19 | |
EE0203-19 | Praktikum Fisika Dasar | 1 | EE0102-19 | EE0202-19 |
EE0204-19 | Probabilitas dan Statistika | 3 | ||
EE0205-19 | Rangkaian Listrik I | 2 | EE0202-19 | |
EE0107-19 | Pemrograman Dasar dan Lab | 3 | ||
EE0207-19 | Teknik Digital | 2 | EE0103-19 | |
EE0209-19 | Prak. Elektro Dasar I | 1 | EE0205-19 | |
EE0210-19 | Prak. Teknik Digital | 1 | EE0207-19 |
Semester 3
Kode MK | Nama Mata Kuliah | SKS | Prasyarat | Co Syarat |
EE0301-19 | Metode Numerik | 3 | - | |
EE0302-19 | Matematika Teknik I | 3 | EE0201-19 | |
EE0303-19 | Medan Elektromagnetis | 3 | EE0201-19, EE0202-19 | - |
EE0304-19 | Elektronika Dasar | 2 | EE0205-19 | - |
EE0305-19 | Rangkaian Listrik II | 2 | EE0205-19 | - |
EE0306-19 | Isyarat dan Sistem | 2 | EE0201-19, EE0205-19 | - |
EE0307-19 | Mesin Listrik Dasar | 2 | EE0205-19 | EE0303-19 |
EE0309-19 | Prak. Elektro Dasar II | 1 | EE0209-19 | EE0304-19, EE0306-19 |
EE0310-19 | Proyek Kreatif Elektro I | 2 | EE0108-19 | - |
Semester 4
Kode MK | Nama Mata Kuliah | SKS | Prasyarat | Co Syarat |
EE0401-19 | Matematika Teknik II | 3 | EE0201-19 | - |
EE0402-19 | Instrumentasi | 2 | EE0304-19 | EE0403-19 |
EE0403-19 | Elektronika Analog | 2 | EE0304-19, EE0305-19 | - |
EE0404-19 | Telekomunikasi Dasar | 2 | EE0204-19, EE0303-19, EE0306-19 | - |
EE0405-19 | Teknik Tenaga Listrik | 2 | EE0305-19, EE0307-19 | - |
EE0406-19 | Sistem Kendali | 3 | EE0305-19, EE0306-19 | EE0402-19 |
EE0407-19 | Sistem Mikroprosessor | 2 | EE0206-19 | - |
EE0409-19 | Prak. Elektronika | 1 | EE0304-19 | EE0403-19 |
EE0410-19 | Prak. Teknik Tenaga Listrik | 1 | EE0305-19 | - |
Semester 5
Kode MK | Nama Mata Kuliah | SKS | Prasyarat | Co Syarat |
EE0502-19 | Mekatronika | 2 | EE0406-19 | - |
EE0503-19 | Prak. Telekomunikasi Dasar | 1 | EE0404-19 | EE0501-19 |
EE0504-19 | Prak. Sistem Kendali | 1 | EE0406-19-19 | - |
EE0506-19 | Proyek Kreatif Elektro II | 2 | EE0310-19 | - |
EEx50x-19 | Mata Kuliah KBK | 13 | panduan akademik | panduan akademik |
Semester 6
Kode MK | Nama Mata Kuliah | SKS | Prasyarat | Co Syarat |
EE0601-19 | Kerja Praktek | 2 | sudah menempuh minimal 90 SKS | - |
EE0602-19 | Energi Baru dan Terbarukan | 2 | EE0202-19 | - |
EE0603-19 | Pancasila | 2 | - | - |
EE0604-19 | Desain Capstone 1 | 2 | EE0310-19 | - |
EEx60x-19 | Mata Kuliah KBK | 12 | lihat panduan akademik | lihat panduan akademik |
Semester 7
Kode MK | Nama Mata Kuliah | SKS | Prasyarat | Co Syarat |
EE0702-19 | Kecerdasan Buatan | 2 | EE0107-19 | - |
EE0703-19 | Manajemen Industri | 2 | -- | - |
EE0704-19 | Kewarganegaraan | 2 | - | - |
EE0705-19 | Kewirausahaan | 2 | - | - |
EE0706-19 | Desain Capstone 2 | 2 | EE0604-19 | - |
EE071x-19 | Agama dan Etika | 2 | - | - |
EE40xx-19 | Mata Kuliah Pilihan | 6 | lihat panduan akademik | lihat panduan akademik |
Semester 8
Kode MK | Nama Mata Kuliah | SKS | Prasyarat | Co Syarat |
EE0801-19 | Tugas Akhir Skripsi | 4 | lihat panduan skripsi | lihat panduan skripsi |
EE40xx-19 | Mata Kuliah Pilihan | 3 | lihat panduan akademik | lihat panduan akademik |
Complete information regarding the curriculum can be seen in the Academic Guidebook: