The learning process for undergraduate level in Electrical Engineering at UNS follows the applicable regulations, namely Sebelas Maret University Chancellor’s Regulation number 5821/UN27/HK/2O16 concerning the Implementation and Management of Undergraduate Program Education. The system used is the semester credit system (SKS) where the amount of time for learning activities is charged to students per week per semester in the learning process through various forms of learning. One semester is a unit of time for an effective learning process lasting at least 16 (sixteen) weeks; including mid-semester exams and final semester exams. In general, undergraduate programs are taken in 8 semesters.

1. The study load of undergraduate students is determined by the study program in accordance with the applicable curriculum.

2. To meet the learning outcomes of undergraduate program graduates, students are required to take a study load of at least 144 credits.

3. One academic year consists of 2 (two) semesters. Study programs can hold intermediate semesters in accordance with the provisions of SN Dikti.

4. Further provisions regarding the implementation of the intermediate semester will be regulated in separate provisions.

5. Student study loads in the first and second semesters are provided in the form of packages whose size is adjusted to the curriculum applicable in the study program.

6. After two semesters of the first year, students can take a study load more in line with the social studies achieved, with the conditions shown in the following table.

7. One credit in the form of lecture, response and tutorial learning, includes:
a. Face-to-face learning activities 50 (fifty) minutes per week per semester;
b. Learning activities with structured assignments of 60 (sixty) minutes per week per semester; And
c. Independent learning activities 60 (sixty) minutes per week per semester.

8. One credit in the form of seminar learning or other similar forms of learning includes :
a. Face-to-face learning activities 100 (one hundred) minutes per week per semester; And
b. Independent learning activities 70 (seventy) minutes per week per semester.

9. One credit in the form of practicum learning, studio practice, workshop practice, field practice, research, community service, and/or other equivalent forms of learning, is 170 (one hundred and seventy) minutes per week per semester;