The Internet of Things (IoT) Laboratory is here as an effort to offset the challenges of the industrial revolution 4.0. This laboratory focuses on research and development in the field of internet of things which includes the physical layer, communication layer, user interface and security. Contact person:

Head of Lab : Agus Ramelan, S.Pd., M.T.

Lab Member :

  1. Ir. Muhammad Hamka Ibrahim, S.T., M.Eng., IPM, ASEAN.Eng.
  2. Ir. Chico Hermanu Brilianto A., S.T., M.Eng.
  3. Joko Slamet Saputro, S.Pd., M.T.
  4. Dr. Eng. Ir. Faisal Rahutomo, S.T., M.Kom.

Practical Services :

  1. IoT Based System Practicum
  2. Creative Project Practicum 1 – 4

Lab Services and Collaboration :

  1. IoT-based system consulting services
  2. IoT-based system design and creation services
  3. Training in the IoT field