Here are some of the research funding entrusted:
- National Electric Car Program (Prof. Ir. Muhammad Nizam, S.T., M.T, Ph.D, IPM. IDR 10,000,000,000 Funding DIKTI and LPDP 2012-2015.
- Production and Commercialization of Environmentally Friendly Electric-Based Bicycles, Pedicabs and Cars (Dr. Miftahul Anwar, S.Si., M.Eng.) 1,700,000,000 Funding for the 2015-2018 National Strategic Plan.
- SOLARSYS: Asset monitoring system for solar power plants (Ir. Chico Hermanu Brillianto Apribowo, S.T., M.Eng.) 350,000,0000 RISTEK Funding in 2017
- Dissemination of energy independent village technology (DME) through the use of livestock waste into energy (Biogas) and the use of a suraya power water pump for sustainable energy supply in Karangjoho village (Ir. Chico Hermanu Brillianto Apribowo, ST, M.Eng.) 170,000,000 RISTEK funding 2019 year.
- Development of Monitoring and Control Systems on Lithium Battery-based Smart Powerwall to Support Energy Storage Systems and Electric Vehicle Charger Stations (Head of Researcher Feri Adriyanto, Ph.D., Rp. 2,500,000,000, Funding LPDP Rispro Mandatori National Research Priority 2020-2024).
- Energy Management Using a Multi-platform Hybrid on Lithium Batteries for Electric Vehicles (Lead Researcher Prof. Ir. Muhammad Nizam, ST, MT, Ph.D., IPM with Potential MIT Partner, IDR 2,481,000,000: Prof. Ben -Akiva, Moshe E. MIRA (MIT-Indonesia Research Alliance) research funding scheme., 2019 – 2024).
- etc.