Here are some of the research funding entrusted:

  1. National Electric Car Program (Prof. Ir. Muhammad Nizam, S.T., M.T, Ph.D, IPM. IDR 10,000,000,000 Funding DIKTI and LPDP 2012-2015.
  2. Production and Commercialization of Environmentally Friendly Electric-Based Bicycles, Pedicabs and Cars (Dr. Miftahul Anwar, S.Si., M.Eng.) 1,700,000,000 Funding for the 2015-2018 National Strategic Plan.
  3. SOLARSYS: Asset monitoring system for solar power plants (Ir. Chico Hermanu Brillianto Apribowo, S.T., M.Eng.) 350,000,0000 RISTEK Funding in 2017
  4. Dissemination of energy independent village technology (DME) through the use of livestock waste into energy (Biogas) and the use of a suraya power water pump for sustainable energy supply in Karangjoho village (Ir. Chico Hermanu Brillianto Apribowo, ST, M.Eng.) 170,000,000 RISTEK funding 2019 year.
  5. Development of Monitoring and Control Systems on Lithium Battery-based Smart Powerwall to Support Energy Storage Systems and Electric Vehicle Charger Stations (Head of Researcher Feri Adriyanto, Ph.D., Rp. 2,500,000,000, Funding LPDP Rispro Mandatori National Research Priority 2020-2024).
  6. Energy Management Using a Multi-platform Hybrid on Lithium Batteries for Electric Vehicles (Lead Researcher Prof. Ir. Muhammad Nizam, ST, MT, Ph.D., IPM with Potential MIT Partner, IDR 2,481,000,000: Prof. Ben -Akiva, Moshe E. MIRA (MIT-Indonesia Research Alliance) research funding scheme., 2019 – 2024).
  7. etc.